Saturday 1 April 2023


Information of Umang Goyal

Umang Goyal

Umang Goyal is a rising star in the world of entrepreneurship and technology. At just 25 years old, he has already made a name for himself in the tech industry and is quickly becoming one of the most promising young entrepreneurs of his generation.

Born in India in 1998, Goyal was fascinated by technology from an early age. He showed an aptitude for programming and web development from a young age, and by the time he was in high school, he had already built several websites and apps.

Umang Goyal

After completing his high school education, Goyal enrolled in the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Delhi. There, he continued to hone his skills in programming and technology and began to develop his own projects.

One of Goyal's early projects was a social networking site called "Campus Connect", which he launched while still a student at IIT. The site quickly gained popularity among students, and soon became a leading platform for social networking and collaboration on college campuses across India.

Goyal's success with Campus Connect led him to co-found his own startup, called "AddoDoc". The company is a healthcare technology platform that connects patients with doctors and hospitals and allows them to schedule appointments and access medical records online. AddoDoc has been a huge success, and has raised over $1 million in funding from investors.

In addition to his work with AddoDoc, Goyal is also an active mentor and investor in the startup community. He has mentored dozens of young entrepreneurs and has invested in several promising startups.

Despite his success, Goyal remains humble and focused on his work. He is known for his tireless work ethic and dedication to his projects and is widely respected in the tech community for his innovative ideas and commitment to excellence.

In conclusion, Umang Goyal is a young entrepreneur and technologist who is quickly making a name for himself in the industry. His success with AddoDoc and Campus Connect has demonstrated his talent and drive, and he is sure to be a major force in the tech world for years to come.

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